Wednesday, February 17, 2021

12 Unhealthy coping mechanism

 Last week I made a list of twelve healthy ways to improve mental health and this week I would like to change the tone to negative/unhealthy ways to deal with declining mental health. I hope these tips can help people realize that these tips might feel helpful in the moment however, over all it’s harmful in the long run. The complete list from can be found here

  • 1. Criticizing yourself (negative self-talk)- I’m sure we have all heard the cliché that we are our own toughest critic, It is important to hold yourself to your personal standards however, it is important to be able to forgive yourself when you make a mistake, No one expects you to be perfect,
  • 2. Driving fast in a car- Sure driving around fast can be run but it can turn into a serious even life threating situation. If you must drive fast please be hyper-aware of your surroundings.
  • 3. Chewing your fingernails- Personally I am guilty of this one myself. I’m sure the occasional nibble on your nails is okay but the problem arrives when the person becomes to anxious and they chew their nails until they bleed. This is painful and self-destructive
  • 4. Becoming aggressive or violent (hitting someone, throwing or kicking something)- Violence is never the answer, also I’m assuming we’re all adults here. Getting into a fight no longer means a week suspension from school it could mean jail time. Also even if the violence is just punching a wall into a wall that is one of the warning signs of potential domestic violence. If you really need to get some of that aggression out I would suggest punching the bag at the gym and or punching/screaming into a pillow. Give yourself time to calm down before confronting the issue.
  • 5. Eating too much or too little- Personally I fall into the eating too much when I find myself in a dark place but trust me that double bacon cheeseburger and cheese fries won’t fix the mental health issue. On the flip side eating too little is terrible for your body, your body needs food to give you energy.
  •  6. drinking a lot of coffee- This one is hard for me I’ll admit, my mind is trained at this point that coffee makes everything better. Another cliché alert is that “there is too much of a good thing” high levels of caffeine can cause your heart to race and is most likely to cause anxiety instead of easing it.

  • 7. Smoking or chewing tobacco- I have been a smoker for over 14 years now. Trust me it is not something I’m proud of. The cigarette gives a temporary relief but the damage that is being done to your lungs more often than not can not be repaired.
  • 8. Drinking alcohol- alcohol is so deeply entangled with American culture. A few drinks here or there with some friends is okay. Drinking turns into a negative coping skill when people drink excessively/ multiple times a week and are using the alcohol to run away from their problems.
  • 9. Yelling at your spouse, children, or friends- Again personally I have been guilty of this but the aftermath is never worth it, I feel like we lash out at the ones closest to us because we feel like they won’t leave us but that thinking is flawed the people closest to us the ones that we love we should offer them kindness that they deserve.
  • 10.Taking a drugs – drugs are just another temporary escape that won’t solve any of the problems. They might make you feel good for a few hours but the comedown will leave you feeling even lower than before.
  •  11. Misusing prescription medicine- this is dangerous! I Personally know two of my friends that have passed away from prescription medicine overdoses. If you feel like you need medication get it from a professional and please use as directed.
  • 12. Avoiding friends and family- isolation is depressions Disney world. There is nothing wrong with taking some me time every once in a while, but it becomes an issue when you can’t reach out to the important people in your life.


I hope that after reading this list you have learned that most negative coping mechanisms, just make the problem worse, are dangerous for your health and only offers temporary solutions.


  1. This is a really awesome list and helped me recognize some of my negative coping mechanisms. I most relate with this article on criticizing myself, eating too much when stressed, and also avoiding friends and family. Awesome blog post!!

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