Wednesday, March 3, 2021

What actually is self-care?!

I’m sure you’ve heard the term “self-care” before but do you really know what it means?

Self-care can be defined as anything that you do for yourself to benefit your health.

I found an interesting article on self-care and I’ll link it here. The article talks about the same things I’m going to cover in this blog post just more in depth.

 Personally, I’m guilty of using self-indulgent behavior claiming it as “self-care” like I’ve gone on shopping sprees saying it was more my mental health.

A 2010 study published in JBI Library of Systematic Reviews defined self-care as "the set of activities in which one engages throughout life on a daily basis,” focusing on promoting health, preventing illness, and managing issues that come up. The key takes away I took from this is daily basis. Many professionals link self-care with routine. I think it is important to do things for your health daily but the idea of a routine seems a bit intense. However, I understand the importance of having a self-care routine I don’t think it has to be the same routine every day. Some days are busier than others and I think a self-care goal of doing 2-3 things a day for your health is good and doable goal that doesn’t seem so overwhelming. That is just my personal take if you’re more of a routine person I would say go for it, but if you’re like me small achievable goals are the best place to start.

Self-care requires that you listen to your body and give it what it’s asking for. If you’re feeling thirsty try to grab a bottle of water compared to that second can of soda that day. I’m a big soda drinker and many people have suggested that I ditch the soda and just brush the comment off. I think trading off every other soda with a water is a doable goal instead of the harsh “only water” rule that I see everywhere.

Another idea for a small change would be to move around more. Physical activity is great for your body and can benefit mental and physical health. If you’re an active person this seems obvious but some of us live a more “relaxed” lifestyle. Something that I’ve been doing to get moving more is walking to my classes instead of driving. If you’re not close enough to campus to walk to class I would suggest parking your car a little farther away to get some extra steps in.

One last tip on an easy thing to incorporate into everyday life would be to improve your health would be to start taking vitamins. I take vitamin d3 for energy and a daily once a day woman’s multivitamin. Both of those vitamins are easily found and are once a day. Once you get into the routine of taking vitamins it’s easy. One thing I did for myself to remember to take my vitamins was I put them in my line of sight when I wake up in the morning so I’m reminded of them. My sister told me she keeps her vitamins next to her coffee maker so she sees them every morning when she’s making coffee.  

Self-care is different for everyone and remember that even baby steps are steps forward! 


  1. I think you touched on a very important topic here as self care is so often referred to as a perfect skin routine or walking up at 5 am for the gym and those are just not accomplishable for many people so to highlight that self care is just focusing on the daily substitutions is so important! My personal self care is a mix of daily routine as well as making sure to occasionally spring for a shopping day or a spa day as I think that these could be just as important in maintaining physical and mental health.

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