Wednesday, April 14, 2021

10 Tips On Improving Your Self-esteem

 Self-esteem is the confidence you have in yourself, in your abilities and in your self-worth. Everyone’s self-esteem fluctuates, it’s part of being human.

Tip one: Stop using negative self-talk. Negative self-talk is when you say or think bad things about yourself. You are not stupid, you are not ugly, you are not worthless. I know online it’s normal for people to call themselves “human trash” but that isn’t cool or quirky it’s honestly damaging to your self-esteem.

Tip two: Put less thought into what other people think of you. I’m aware that it’s difficult to stop caring about what other people think of you but think of it this way: more likely than not other people aren’t analyzing you as much as you’re analyzing yourself. I’ll have mini panic attacks over something awkward I said ten years ago and I bet the people that heard me say that don’t even remember that happening. Do you remember something awkward someone else did ten years ago? Most likely not, stop being so hard on yourself.

Tip three: Let the past go. Working off of my point in tip two people probably don’t remember that awkward thing you did. Also, you aren’t that person anymore, the past is in the past and try as we might we can’t change it now. Dwelling on past mistakes will only damage your current self, use past mistakes as learning opportunities and grow from them.  

Tip four: Be prepared. If an upcoming event like an interview is making you feel anxious do some research on the company, you can also research mock job interview questions to have a thought-out response instead of just coming up with something on the fly. Another example of being prepared is if you’re going somewhere new look into the area to relieve your anxiety, you can map out where to park and how long it will take you to get there, things of that nature.

Tip five: Look good, feel good. It’s true when you think you look good you feel better about yourself. Spend a few extra minutes getting ready in the morning, wear your favorite outfit.

Tip six: Set boundaries and stick to them. You know what you are comfortable doing and what you’re not. This doesn’t mean never step out of your comfort zone but if your gut is telling you to not do something you should probably listen to it. This could also apply to when you say “no” to someone sticking to that answer, you don’t have to make yourself feel bad for saying no.

Tip seven: Remove toxic people from your life. Sadly, not all people have good intensions, some people just use people. If you have someone in your life that upsets you regularly, isn’t a good friend, belittles you, things of that nature remove that person from your life. Their energy is only dragging you down.

Tip eight: It’s okay to fail at something. Allow yourself to be a beginner when trying something new. Failure is a part of life, use it as a learning opportunity and try again.

Tip nine: Forgive yourself. Mistakes happen, it is okay.

Tip ten: Think of the things you are good at. Everyone is good at something, even if it is something small be proud of the things you can do well. For example, I can make a great quesadilla, will that change the world? No but it does make me feel good about my cooking abilities.

Overall be kind to yourself! You can do anything!

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